The SCAM Cycle was conceived of as a collection of music written between albums, but evolved into a series of EPs themselves. Featuring previously unreleased music, new versions of older material and live tracks, these EPs are often an eclectic collection of gems...
SCAM#05 is a 2020 release exclusively for mailing list subscribers. It features several unreleased tracks written between 2012 and 2018, most of it is not quite release-ready but I don't have access to the project files so can't polish them...
#icanhazteleport, 33 and STP were to form part of the #icanhazteleport EP, Konstantin Koskov didn't quite fit with anything else I was doing at the time. The live version of Hang On is my favourite one. I've put Cyberculture on there as the last link between old (pre 2017) abeZilla and new abeZilla, and the 2018 original version of Road To Speculation...
This EP features:
Hang On (Live)
Road To Speculation (2018)
Konstantin Koskov
There's also a pdf booklet enclosed which has a little bit of insight into some of the music
stalk abeZilla on the socials...